Add a poolside misting fan

Express Pool Care pool service contractors talk poolside misting fans Phoenix, Arizona residents understand and appreciate the beauty of the misting fan. If you’ve been shopping on a hot day and happen upon a store that offers the misting system you truly...

How to care for a vinyl liner swimming pool

Express Pool Care professionals explain vinyl pool care Just as every swimming pool and every swimming pool owner is unique, so too is the way in which a pool is cared for based on its building material. Vinyl, fiberglass and concrete swimming pools all pose unique...

Plan A Memorial Day Swimming Pool Party

Plan Your Memorial Day Party, Express Pool Care pool service pros offer tips  Swimming pool contractors in Phoenix, Arizona know that their customers have been enjoying time in the swimming pool for many weeks now, especially since the temperatures have been hovering...

What is that scale line on my pool?

Express Pool Care swimming pool professionals address pool calcium build up Chances are if you live in a house that has “hard water” you know it. It makes your skin feel dry and can cause scale build up on your faucets, showers and in your washing machine....