Why does my pool make my eyes red? That’s a question that many swimming pool owners ask us and it usually arises when they have taken on the cleaning and maintenance of the pool themselves. The swimming pool service contractors from Express Pool Care say that if your eyes are red or if your skin is sensitive or itchy, the pool water’s chemical balances are out of line.

Swimming in your pool shouldn’t lead to red eyes or itchy skin nor should you be able to smell chlorine when you get into the water. Chlorine is odorless and colorless and only smells when the total dissolved solids are not kept in check and when the chemical maintenance has not been properly performed.

A popular pool myth is that strong chlorine odor means there is too much chlorine, but  “free chlorine”  has no odor. When you start to smell chlorine that means the free chlorine is reacting to bacteria, ammonia or other waste products in the water. Ammonia is released into the water from body waste and sweat. Combined chlorine – free chlorine and ammonia — has a strong odor and causes skin irritation and eye redness.

Why does my pool make my eyes red?

Keeping the pool water clean and bacteria free for your family is one of the many services that a pool contractor can perform. He will adjust chemical levels, after they’ve been tested, to address any issues you or a family member may be having. Make certain you tell your contractor if you experience any of these uncomfortable items and so he knows there needs to be pool chemical adjustments made.

When you tell your pool contractor that you’re dealing with skin sensitivity or red eyes after having been in the swimming pool, he will first test the water to determine whether the pool’s pH and alkalinity are in the recommended ranges. Balances that are Light Pool Background1698x1131either too low or too high lead to skin irritation, dry skin and eye redness. The pool water should be tested at least weekly and especially after a rainfall. Use test strips or liquid reagents to keep the pool water balanced; working with a pool service contractor will take that task off your plate as that is one of the services he performs.

If the water chemicals are severely out of balance your pool contractor might suggest that you test the water daily until the chemical balances get back in line. If you’re a do-it-yourselfer, your pool contractor may be able to advise you what you need to do to balance out the pool water’s chlorine levels as this can lead to eye and skin irritation.

Free and total chlorine levels will be measured; levels should be free chlorine up to 10 times the combined chlorine; if the combined chlorine is 0.2 PPM, you will add 20 PPM free chlorine. This process is called “breakpoint chlorination” or “superchlorination,” the point where the chloramine bonds break apart. See, we told you, pool water chemical balancing is not for the faint of heart.

Pool service professionals have the knowledge, skill and experience to make your pool experience an enjoyable one and one without red eyes and dry, itchy skin!