The swimming pool service contractors from Express Pool Care in Goodyear, Arizona know that proper chemistry protects the pool and its equipment as well as making the water comfortable for anyone who is using it. During pool season in Arizona, you want to be in the pool as often as possible to escape the triple digit temperatures, but to do so you need to make certain the pool chemistry is right.

Properly maintaining pool chemistry saves time and money.

Proper chemistry protects the pool

When it comes to swimming pool water chemistry it is a delicate balancing act. One chemical that is too high or too low will throw the other chemicals into disarray and many pool owners who are not experienced in pool maintenance find themselves adding chemicals, adding water, adding more chemicals, adding water… you see where we are going with this, right? It’s not always easy to get the chemicals “just right” especially if you’re new to pool ownership. This is why so many pool owners work with a pool service company — to assure the water is clean, bacteria-free and that the chemicals are properly balanced.

When a pool contractor comes to clean and maintain the pool he will also:

  1. Inspect the pool to assure there are no leaks or any potential pool damage.
  2. He will clean debris from the deck and check the pool pump guage pressure
  3. Once that’s done he will test the water chemistry
  4. Brush the pool walls and floor
  5. Vacuum the pool

Your pool contractor may also document any discoloration of the pool finish and check for any cracks in the pool tiles. He may also squirt a bit of dish soap into the pool to prevent the pool from rippling and allow him to easily see the bottom of the pool to check for potential algae growth or metal staining.

To properly test the pool water chemistry he will use a test kit but before that he will determine the volume of water in the pool so he knows how many chemicals to use in the pool based on the gallons of water in the pool.

Proper pool water chemical levels have a great deal to with the source water used. It is best to do a source water test before even thinking about testing the pool.

Proper levels for pH, total alkalinity, calcium hardness and salt levels will be tested and chemicals added to help bring them back to proper levels if necessary. If you don’t work with a pool contractor you can either buy a test kit and test the water or you can take a bucket of water to a pool service store and ask them to test it for you there.

In addition to making the water comfortable and safeĀ  for swimming, proper pool chemistry helps assure the pool equipment and the pool itself won’t be harmed or stained by chemicals that are out of balance.