Express Pool Care contractors clean hot tubs and spas

It is probably too hot to even think about soaking in your hot tub, especially if you live in Phoenix or Goodyear, Arizona, but the swimming pool service contractors from Express Pool Care explain that caring for a hot tub — if you keep water in it year round — is a year round task. How to care for a hot tub is a question that the Express Pool Care contractors answer regularly — even in the triple digit summers of Arizona.

Caring for a hot tub and its water as well as the structure itself is a task that a homeowner can take on him or herself, but many people opt to work with a hot tub contractor to test the water, inspect the equipment and assure that everything is working properly in the hot tub or spa.

How to care for a hot tub

A hot tub or spa has a sanitation system that is comparable to a swimming pool. As with a pool, this sanitition system can be automated, but a hot tub or spa will still need some “human interaction” to assure the water is bacteria-free. Working with a qualified hot tub contractor will keep chemical levels in balance, he will know which chemicals to add and when at at what levels to bring everything back into balance, when necessary.

If the chemicals get out of balance — as with a swimming pool — you can be faced wtih dry, itchy skin and red eyes. Your contractor will also keep a watchful eye on the hot tub’s pH balance as proper pH prolongs the life of the structure. Chemicals that are out of balance — whether too high or too low — lead to pipe corrosion and damage to other pieces of vital equipment.

When your hot tub contractor suggests refilling the hot tub — whether it needs it because the water has evaporated or because it had been drained for a cleaning, it’s best to use filtered water; when you fill a hot tub — or a swimming pool — from a garden hose you could introduce contaminants to the hot tub or spa water and that leads to chemicals being out of balance.

Ask us for our recommendations for cleaning and maintenance taks you should perform between service visits. Let us know how frequently you will use the hot tub and how many people will be in it as this could mean he will need to change the cleaning schedule.