Express Pool Care service professionals tell how to heat your pool with the sun

When you live in Arizona, you have access to sun — and triple digit temperatures — many days of the year. You can harness that power and heat your pool with the sun. Designing a solar-heated swimming pool is a relatively easy task for a swimming pool service contractor. With this solar set up you can save you money on electricity and protect the environment for those rare times when you wasolar heatnt your pool water heated!

The swimming pool service contractors from Express Pool Care explain the key to a successful solar installation is the placement of the panels. This is even more important in areas of the country where sun is not as prevalent as it is in Arizona. Solar panels can keep your pool at a temperature that is comfortable for most everyone.

Unless you live in an extremely hot and almost continually sunny climate, the panels will be placed in direct sunlight. Take full advantage of natural sunlight when your pool is constructed as well — this is typically a southern or western exposure.

Another way to assist a solar-heated pool retain energy is to choose a dark-colored pool bottom. Dark colors absorb heat and slowly releases it. Light colored pools reflect the heat. If you live in an extremely hot climate and don’t want the pool to get bathwater warm, you might opt for the light colored pool. Solar heating is ideal for Arizona pool owners when summer is over and the nights cool down dramatically.

Trim overhanging tree branches to make sure you the pool gets full, direct sunlight.  Plan for shaded areas around your pool so you can spend time out there even in the heat of a midday sun. Talk with us about whether a solar pool set up makes sense for you.